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European Diplomat, Felipe de Vicente, Provides a Specialist Workshop on Veterinary Osteosynthesis

On December 1st, a theoretical-practical workshop on plates for osteosynthesis was held at the facilities of Diagnosfera, reference specialty center in Madrid, given by Felipe de Vicente, who is a European Diplomat in Traumatology (DVM, PhD, FHEA, Pg Cert (VBM), Dip-ECVS).

The workshop, provided exclusively for the UNAVETS group internal and external veterinarians interested in traumatology, addressed the basic concepts in veterinary osteosynthesis, internal fixation through the use of locked plates in veterinary osteosynthesis and its applications. After the theoretical subject matter was covered, a presentation of clinical cases and a practical workshop on resolution of fractures in anatomical models took place.

It is a luxury to be able to count on the experience and knowledge of Felipe de Vicente, a European Diplomat graduate in surgery whose professional career has been spent mostly in reference hospitals in the United Kingdom and who will be the next clinical director of the new VETERIIOS referral hospital that the UNAVETS group will inaugurate in May 2022 in Madrid.

We want to thank Boehringer-Ingelheim and Petia for their collaboration and support, without which this training session would not have been possible, which is the 21st training in 2021 offered by UNAVETS for its clinical teams.



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