In the month of May, the team of qualified specialists who will be part of the Veterios Reference Hospital has developed an important training activity in different parts of Spain. Raquel Salgüero, specialist in diagnostic imaging at Veterios, gave three practical workshops on abdominal ultrasound in Madrid, Málaga and Valencia; Felipe de Vicente, the surgeon and Technical Director of Veterios, gave a lecture on brachycephalic syndrome and participated as a teacher in the AOVET course in Madrid, while Filippo Montefiori, the head of anaesthesia at the Reference Hospital, participated in two conferences on respiratory complications in anaesthesia and haemodynamic alterations. Irene Espadas, one of the specialists in Neurology at Veterios, gave a talk on canine idiopathic epilepsy to a packed veterinary college in Madrid and finally Ariadna Ribas, the internist specialist at Veterios Hospital, dealt with the diagnostic approach to polyuria-polydipsia.
The specialists along with the rest of the veterinary team, assistants and receptionists are part of the Hospital de Referencia y Urgencias 24h Veterios that the group of veterinary clinics and hospitals UNAVETS inaugurates on the 27th of June. The hospital, which was created with the aim of complementing the first opinion clinics, is located in Madrid, near the A-2 motorway next to the Plenilunio shopping centre in the Mercedes industrial estate. It has 1750 m2 with totally independent canine and feline spaces, 8 consulting rooms, 3 operating theatres, procedure room, diagnostic imaging, hospitalisation + independent ICU, infectious hospitalisation, outdoor area for hospitalised dogs, hydrotherapy and physiotherapy and conference room.
You can read the complete news of Axón Comunicación here.