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The Gat i Gos veterinary center, the most recent addition to the UNAVETS group

The Gat i Gos veterinary clinic in Gandía (Valencia) is the most recent addition to the UNAVETS Group, a leading veterinary health group in Spain and Portugal.

Gat i Gos is a renowned veterinary center in the Valencian region of La Safor, headed by its founder José Ivars, who has a 30-year track record of offering professionalism and quality in veterinary services in Gandía.

The center has an attractive and modern design, it has three fully equipped consultation rooms, an operating room, hospitalization facilities and a laboratory, in addition to a specialized pet shop, grooming service and exclusive parking.

The clinical team of vets and nurses has a long history in customer service and caring foranimals.

 José Ivars, clinical director of Gat i Gos, declares, "Joining UNAVETS gives us the peace of mind, confidence and support necessary to face the transformation that the sector is undergoing, while at the same time giving us access to its extensive training program and library."
Manuel Amador, Business Manager of UNAVETS comments, “We are very happy and proud to incorporate into our network a center with the trajectory and prestige of the Jose Ivars center, with such careful aesthetics and work procedures focused on customer satisfaction.”

The Gat i Gos practice is one of 3 centres in the Valencia area.

 About the UNAVETS Group

The UNAVETS Group occupies a leadership position in the veterinary healthcare market in Iberia (through UNAVETS in Spain and Onevet in Portugal), developing in 2.5 years a group that offers shared services and commercial development support to its 85+ veterinary centers and more than 850 team members. The group is made up of reference/specialized centers, 24-hour hospitals, primary opinion clinics and doctor's offices, which guarantee a comfortable and complete service. The company plans to continue with its growth strategy in Iberia and other European countries, while developing new lines of services, innovating with digital commitment internally and with its customers, and promoting training and development scientist within the clinical team. For more information visit: www.unavets.com.

UNAVETS was financed in December 2019 with funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management L.P. A leader among global investment managers specializing in alternative investments, with $164 billion under management in assets as of March 31, 2022. The firm emphasizes an opportunistic, value-oriented and risk-controlled approach to investments in credit, private equity, real assets and listed shares. The company has more than 1,000 employees and offices in 20 cities around the world. For more information, visit Oaktree's website at http://www.oaktreecapital.com/.

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