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The VALVET Veterinary Centers are incorporated into UNAVETS

The Valvet veterinary centres located in Northern Spain in Zaragoza, are the latest addition to the UNAVETS group, a leading veterinary healthcare group in Spain and Portugal.

Valvet is made up of a total of four centers: a hospital accompanied by three first opinion clinics.The group was founded by Tomás Conde and Javier Fondevila who opened the first clinic in 2015 and continued expanding, and today the group is comprised of four practices, Puerto Venecia, Valvet Hospital 24h, Actur and Vet Rosales.

The staff is formed by a team of 23 people, amongst which stands out the team’s specialization in reproduction, ethology, dentistry, feline medicine, surgery, traumatology, rehabilitation and knowledge of exotic animals. The group also offers a grooming service and a nursing academy.

The centers are well equipped with consultation rooms, digital radiology, ultrasound, [y] operating rooms, a laboratory, and the 24-hour hospital has two operating rooms and three hospitalization rooms.

Tomás Conde, veterinarian co-founder of Valvet comments, "The incorporation to UNAVETS will allow us to continue and improve our growth and business development plan, enhancing the specialization of the team".

Ignacio González, Director of Mergers and Acquisitions for UNAVETS shares, "The incorporation of these four centers in Zaragoza together with the existing one in the group, Vetcorner, reinforces our services offering and veterinary specialization in the Aragon region".

In the Northern region of Spain and Portugal, UNAVETS Group now has 61 total practices, which will offer the practices in this region more opportunities for cross-referral, clinical collaboration and training. Jaime Diaz mentions, “It is hugely important to us as a group to focus now on team training, development and well being. We look forward to continuing to make developments on this front and partnering with our practices to make this happen via true collaboration and teamwork.”

About the UNAVETS Group

The UNAVETS Group occupies a leading position in the veterinary health market in Iberia (through UNAVETS in Spain and Onevet in Portugal), developing in 2.5 years a group that offers shared services and commercial support to the development to its 80+ veterinary centers and more than 700+ team members. The group is made up of reference/specialized centers, 24-hour hospitals, first opinion clinics and vet offices, which guarantee a comfortable and complete service. The plans are to continue with its growth strategy in Iberia, the United States and other European countries, while developing new lines of services, innovating with digital commitment internally and with its customers, and further supporting the clinical team with training and scientific development. For more information visit: www.unavets.com.

UNAVETS was funded in December 2019 with funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management L.P. leading among global investment managers specializing in alternative investments, with $164 billion under asset management as of March 3, 2022. The firm emphasizes an opportunistic, value-oriented, risk-controlled approach to investments in credit, private equity, real assets and listed stocks. The company has more than 1,000 employees and offices in 20 cities around the world. For more information, visit Oaktree's website in http://www.oaktreecapital.com/.

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