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Vet Clinic Vet R'in Area integrates Onevet (UNAVETS Group)

The Vet R'in Area Veterinary Clinic, a practice led by Pedro Azadinho and Sofia Azadinho, located in Setúbal in the Greater Lisbon area, is now a part of OneVet, reinforcement of our presence in the southern region of the country.

The Clinic is comprised of a team of 10 professionals, including 4 veterinarians and 6 nurses and veterinary assistants, with diversified clinical specialties and a special emphasis on surgery and orthopedics. The clinical space was also recently renovated, with a new, large operating room and new medical-veterinarian treatment rooms, allowing the clinic to increase the range of services provided.

Sofia Azadinho, one of the founders of Vet R'in Área, comments, "The decision to join the Onevet group comes naturally. We find at Onevet the same values that inspired us from the beginning: competence, innovation and human care.

Our team is therefore confident and enthusiastic - prepared to give the best of themselves, their culture and experience - knowing that they are no longer alone, but accompanied by excellent professionals, integrated in a group that is a leader in Portugal."

Pedro Azadinho, also founder of the unit, says "for a veterinarian it is important to know that you have at your disposal the means you need to carry out your work with the utmost zeal and rigor possible. Veterinary medicine has evolved a lot in Portugal in the last 18 years. Today, we need to learn how to work via collaboration and networking with other doctors. Only then will we be able to offer our customers the quality and full breadth of services they seek.

The care shown by Onevet with professional qualification and training and the creation of opportunities for sharing and networking among professionals are, for me, the great added value and the key to success."

Guilherme Assis, Executive Director of ONEVET, says, "The integration of Vet R'in Area in Onevet/Unavets is a milestone of particular relevance for the Group, for its location and the set of clinical valences that, together with the other units of the Group, reinforce our cluster in the Greater Lisbon region. The growth of the Onevet/Unavets network allows us to continuously improve our network of services."


The UNAVETS Group has a leading position in the veterinary care market in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), developing in 2.5 years a group that offers shared services and commercial/development support to its more than 80 practices and more than 700 team members. The group includes reference/specialist centers, 24-hour hospitals, first-class clinics, and local veterinary offices, thus ensuring a convenient and complete service.

There are plans to continue its growth strategy in the Iberian Peninsula and other European geographies, while developing new service lines, innovating with digital involvement internally and with its clients, and promoting training in veterinary care and scientific development within the clinical team. For more information, please visit www.unavets.com.


UNAVETS was funded in December 2019 by Oaktree, a leader among global investment managers specializing in alternative investments, with $164 billion in assets under management as of March 31, 2022. The firm emphasizes an opportunistic, value-driven and risk-driven approach to investments in credit, private equity, real assets and listed shares. The firm has more than 1,000 employees and offices in 20 cities around the world. For more information, visit oaktree's website at http://www.oaktreecapital.com.


ONEVET was founded in 2012 by Inter-Risco, SCR, S.A., one of the leading Private Equity players in the Portuguese. Over the past 20 years, Inter-Risco has developed a strong brand and an enviable network in the fragmented segment of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Portugal, investing more than €200 million in more than 100 Iberian companies.

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