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Epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological disease in dogs

This is how the conference given by Irene Espadas began last 12th of May at the Colegio de Veterinarios de Madrid with the sponsorship of Boehringer Ingelheim and the collaboration of Distrivet-Covetrus. Irene Espadas is a European Diplomate in Neurology and a specialist at the Veterinary Reference Hospital Veterios, which will soon be launched in Madrid by the veterinary group UNAVETS.

In her speech, Irene gave a complete review of idiopathic epilepsy in dogs, addressing the characteristics of seizures, their stages, the predisposition of some breeds to suffer epileptic seizures, when it is necessary to resort to an MRI for diagnosis, and when and how to start treatment. The conference was followed by a room full of veterinarians who asked numerous questions on the subject and, at the end, shared a cocktail in the school gardens.

Veterios is the 24h referral and emergency hospital that the UNAVETS group of clinics will open next June and in which Irene will be its specialist in neurology and neurosurgery; together with Irene, the hospital will have a team of European specialists in the specialities of neurology, diagnostic imaging, internal medicine, surgery, traumatology and anaesthesia. The hospital is located on the A-2 motorway next to the Plenilunio shopping centre.

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