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UNAVETS workshop on initiation to abdominal ultrasonography

In the facilities of the reference hospital Diagnosfera, in San Sebastián de los Reyes, last 27th of April UNAVETS organized a theoretical and practical workshop on abdominal ultrasound under the direction of Raquel Salgüero, Lda Vet, MA, Dip. ECVDI, European and British diplomat in Diagnostic Imaging, accredited in AVEPA and responsible for the Diagnostic Imaging Service of Veterios.

The course began with an introduction to the technical and physical aspects of ultrasound and continued with the exploration of the different organs, observing their normal image and their possible pathologies in the spleen, liver, gastrointestinal, urinary and genital systems. In the afternoon, the 22 attendees from the group's veterinary centres as well as from other centres, had the opportunity to practice what they had learned in practical workshops using state-of-the-art ultrasound scanners provided by Fujifilm. The day was rated as excellent by the attendees and counted with the collaboration of Distrivet Covetrus.

Veterios is the 24h referral and emergency hospital that the UNAVETS group of clinics will inaugurate next June and in which Raquel Salgüero will be its specialist in Diagnostic Imaging; together with Raquel, the hospital will have six European specialists in the specialities of neurology, diagnostic imaging, internal medicine, surgery, traumatology and anaesthesia. The hospital is located on the A-2 motorway next to the Plenilunio Shopping Centre.

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